
Lyorn Record Statistics

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 12:46:28 PDT 2006

On 7/12/06, Jon Lincicum <lincicum at comcast.net> wrote:
> In light of the recent hubub regarding the Lyorn Records wiki usage, I
> thought it might interest some of the folks here to look at the
> statistics for page edits done on the wiki.
> http://www.wikia.com/wikistats/EN/TablesWikiaDRAGAERA.htm
> These charts may give you some idea of how the Wikia Gods analyze the
> usage patterns of users. These are the numbers they look at when trying
> to decide if maintaining a wiki is a good idea.
> (Note: July numbers are waaay up thanks to a good response from the
> list. Thanks again!)

Huh.   18MB for the edits on the Dramatis Personae?  I guess that's
why the XML backup is about 36MB.

I think that the 148.129.xx.xx user with all of those edits is Attjen.
 Which just goes to show that forgetting to log in messes up the

Another mess-up is that the page-requests and visits columns are
empty.  That can't be right.