
Message Board up and running

Starshadw at Starshadw at
Fri Jun 28 19:23:12 PDT 2002

Please, everyone register for the site, then go in and register for the 
message board.  I'm thinking I may want to make it open in a new window - let 
me know what you think.

Also, let me know of any other FFRP "areas" that should be created.  Note: 
you MUST have created an FFRP persona (or full GURPS character) before you 
start free-form role-playing in the FFRP areas.  Also, I would be interested 
to see if you can register for the site multiple times: ie, you could have 
one registration that matches your site registration, and a second 
registration for your PC or persona so that when you are posting in 
character, you can log in under that name.  If someone wants to give that a 
try - let me know if it allows you to do so.
