

Starshadw at Starshadw at
Sat Jul 13 11:04:38 PDT 2002

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I was online last night from 7:00pm MST to 11:30pm MST.  Not one person came 
and asked for help.  Not one person has sent in a character since I first 
"opened" up a game, and no one has sent me an Email asking for help, sooooo

I can only assume there is no real interest in this.  If you aren't as 
interested as you thought you were, that's perfectly OK.  But I need to know 

I do realize that it is summer and people may be on vacation, or out enjoying 
the weather.  And there is always real life to deal with. BUT - I have spent 
a great deal of time and effort into putting this RPG website together.  I 
don't want to continue to do that if no one is interested.  That would be 
silly and a waste.  I'm not angry, but I cannot continue to devote energy to 
a project that isn't going anywhere.  While the world information and game 
information is certainly not complete, there is enough information provided 
that characters can be created.  All of us have enough world knowledge 
through having read the books that the more extensive knowledge, while it 
would be helpful, really isn't necessary for the game itself to function.

So, here is what I'm going to do:  the website is paid up through the end of 
September.  If I have not received at least 5 PCs by September 15 (not 
necessarily in finished form - just that there are five people in contact 
with me working towards having finished characters so actual gaming can 
begin), then I will begin the process of saving the website and closing it 
down: I will keep a copy of it on my hard drive should enough interest appear 
down the road that it seems plausible to resurrect it.

So, it's a challenge to those of you on the list who said they were 
interested, it's a challenge to those of you on the website who may not 
belong to the list, etc.

I am always available by Email or AIM should you need help creating a 
character.  I will be posting this announcement on the message boards as well 
so it gets the best coverage possible.

