

Starshadw at Starshadw at
Fri Jun 14 20:58:06 PDT 2002

I think we might want -some- kind of structured format, rather than just have 
everyone start reading.

Book clubs and such generally have guidelines, and we aren't the first to do 
an online book club (which is essentially what this is).  Both 
and The Republic of Pemberley set up a schedule, telling people what they 
need to have read each week (and that varies by book - some books are 
strictly broken down by chapters while others can be grouped differently).

Then, someone (and it can change each week) who has volunteered takes the 
lead for the discussion that week.  They start the discussion by posting 
their thoughts, impressions, questions, and speculations, which gets the ball 
rolling.  Generally, each major "thought" gets its own post so that those who 
come later can easily follow each thought as others add to it.

Just thought I'd toss that out.
