
[DbS] TPG ch15-ch17

Thu Aug 1 14:20:27 PDT 2002

Selected notes.

- tky

** pp145-156. ch15 "Khaavren Receives a Warning & Aerich tells a Story"

p146: Palace District; certain gap between tinsmith's shop & belt-maker's
      {"certain"?  merely a figure of speech, or does it mean something more?}
p147: "Do not trifle with me, young man"
p148: Khaavren wonders how they know about him: spy, dark sorcery?
pp148-149: Tazendra: I am not good with confusion
pp151-153: matters with King of Elde Island {relevant to _Phoenix_?};
p152: {typo: missing "are"} there times
p154: {again!} Tazendra seemed anxious not to be left out of the conversation
p156: hobird {?}

** pp157-165. ch16 "Half an Emperor"

p157: the hawk, whose eyes can see through the overcast {not "Overcast"?};
      Backside Hill {of smelly eruptions?}
      "none other than Jenicor e'Terics" {was she mentioned before?}
pp158-159: silvery mask {interesting, not "silver"}
p159: masks actually concealed identity; today only symbols to mask disconduct;
      Jenicor's characteristic pouting lips & dimpled chin still visible {!};
      other features described, including brown hair, almost red beneath
      natural orangish light of day {natural!?  On RASFW, it's been speculated
      that the Overcast might be Sethra's doing, on account of her being
      a vampire; but she seems to have become dead relatively recently,
      so "natural" doesn't seem to be an appropriate adjective.  It doesn't
      even seem to me like it could be a slip on Paarfi's part if the Overcast
      were as recent as the Sethra Lavode Scandal.  (I suppose it is possible
      she set it up much earlier because she foresaw (the potential for)
      its need, but that seems unlikely to me.)}
p164: Jenicor recognizes Pel as ambitious;
      lists Consort's would-be lovers: Dzurlord, Marquis of I---;
      Tiassa, Lord N--- {aka Count N--- of p158?}; Dragonlord Adron e'Kieron;
      Lyorn, Count Shaltre; Phoenix, Duke of Threewalls

** pp167-175. ch17 "Mathematics & Philosophy, Departure"

p168: Tazendra reveals she knows how to make flash stones; to make 1 strong
      enough to knock a man off his horse & leave him down takes:
      3 hours to prepare the stone,
      2 hours to beg the stone to receive the charge,
      1 hour to acquaint the stone with the means to release the charge;
      Tazendra is amazed that Khaavren can add this up to 6 hours;
      Khaavren: I am an arithmetist {Huh?  Gee, this seems really elementary.
      Wild tangent: Then again, I just embarrassed myself on RASFW by claiming
      6, 14, and 28 are perfect numbers; in fact 6=1+2+3 and 28=1+2+4+8+14
      are indeed equal to the sums of their proper divisors, but 14 is not
      equal to 1+2+4+7=12.  Sigh.}
pp168-169: 2x the charge to knock down 2 men: 
      4 to prepare, 4 to set, 1 to prepare release;
      Khaavren: 9; Tazendra interject: Blood of the Horse;
      Multiple small charges released one at a time:
      +1 per charge to prepare, +4 per charge to set;
      total time to prepare release: charge#: 0 1 2 3 4
      { nope, not Fibonacci sequence }  time: 0 1 3 5 8 
pp170-171: Aerich: money? Tazendra: 1 Imperial, 3 or 4 orbs, draft (check)
      on Dragon treasury for 300 orbs {Dragon treasury?};
      Tazendra says Pel has many mistresses, smile which {that?}
      indicated that, in some matters at any rate, she was no dupe
p172: route: not thru jungles with Dragaeran-eating animals nor Suntra desert;
      south around the desert through the *pushta* {huh?}
p173: rope {LOTR?};
      Aerich knows how to repair saddle & bridle
p175: { def of alembic:
      1. an apparatus used in distillation
      2. something that refines or transmutes as if by distillation}
      Tazendra 6 hours on a rock: smoothing + bathing {prepare?},
      carve proper symbols {set?}, arcane passes with memorized Serioli chant
      {release?}; {does anything of this map to something we would recognize
      as akin to computer programming?}