The Imperial Orb The Dragaera Mailing List

The Dragaera Mailing List

We've created this list, with Steven's support, to provide a central forum for fans of his work to find each other and discuss things. We want it to be a friendly and interesting community, so there are a few Official Rules.

Traffic on this list is highly variable. Most of the time it's light, a dozen or so messages a day. Every now and then, a bunch of us get excited at the same time, and it can spike to over a hundred messages a day for a few days. So be prepared! Subscribing to the digest form of the list (see below) will decrease the number of individual messages hitting your mailbox each day, but not of course the total number of words.

Individual Messages

To subscribe to the list, send email to <> and reply to the confirmation message you receive.

To unsubscribe from the list, send email to <> and reply to the confirmation message you receive.

Digest Form

You can subscribe to the digest form, or change your existing subscription to digest form, through the web interface.


Messages up through July 2006 are in the old web archive. Messages since then are in the new archive.

© Copyright 2003-2011 Steven Brust
Attributed mailing list messages remain the property of their author.