
Hardback vs. Paperback

Glenn Ellingson geewiz at mac.com
Wed Jun 5 08:58:21 PDT 2002

15-20 years? Pshaw! :-)

The oldest paperback on my shelf seems to be a copy of _The Two Towers_ 
that is 36 years old (1966, 7th american printing by Houghton Mifflin). 
That's 4 years older than me. Actually, I also have a 4th printing of 
_Soviet Science Fiction_, edited b Asimov, from 1966.

I don't seem to have old copies of any of Brust's (Steve's? How do you 
prefer to be referred to in the third person?) books, probably because I 
keep giving them away (spreading the word!). I loaned out To Reign in Hell 
once when I was drunk hosting a party in 1996 and didn't remember who I 
had loaned it to. Needless to say it was never returned, which left me 
without a copy for several years. And of course on Amazon all the 
reviewers say "don't even think about loaning this book to anybody." Doh! 
Now, thanks to the reprinting, I own 3 copies and I'm in position to loan 
it again :-). I still miss that first cover, though.

I also pick up copies of Jhereg in used book stores so that I could give 
them to new friends.

-- Glenn Ellingson

On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 07:46 AM, Starshadw at aol.com wrote:

> Actually, my reason for preferring paperbacks is simple - I can get more
> books on a bookshelf. :-)  And I do re-read my books; I am just careful 
> to be
> good to my paperbacks and I find I have no troubles with them lasting.  In
> fact, I've got some paperbacks on my shelves that are 15-20 years old.
> But I, too, am about to break down and go buy the hardback.  I'll just 
> read
> it, then do what I always do when someone gifts me a hardback: take it to 
> the
> used bookstore, turn it in for credit and get paperbacks.  Of course, that
> would be after the paerback comes out.
> Stacy