Mark: 'OMG whats up with that sethra chick is she like zombie or something!?!? shes pretty scary hahahah oh yeah and what kind of a name is vlad tatlos he must be liek a russian viking LOL!!!' Steph: yeah, itotaly agree! i thought Vald must be like a vamp or somethning because of his name it would make sense because that Sethra chic is one to. wow yer pretty keen Good 4 u! and why does everyone drink so much (like beer and whine and stuff)? wow they must have hi tolarinces not like me ::scrunches up her nose:: Heh. That hurt just to type. Anyway, I'm glad to be a part of this board and in contact with all you spiffoid peoples! About the only other place you can find a bunch of fun fantasy/sci-fi-types is at the midnight opening of "Star Wars: Episode II" (which I was rather disappointed in), and at RenFests (one of which I will be attending in two weeks - yippeeyippeeyippee!). Umm... That's all. :) ~ Steph-Demri (who is going to give up and buy "Issola" from next week, when she has some money!)