
[dragaera] Re: Athyra

Raellew at aol.com Raellew at aol.com
Thu Jun 6 15:46:54 PDT 2002

In a message dated 6/6/02, Rachael Lininger writes:

>Alibris is usually pricier than the other book services. ABE books and
>half.com are usually much better. I use bookfinder.com for
>price-checking, though...and having checked the prices, ATHYRA is really
>expensive. $40-$50 is more usual.

Half.com had a copy a few months ago for $20. I hesitated, and it was gone. 
I'm still kicking myself.

ATHYRA can't be as rare as the prices make it seem. If it was, everybody and 
his dog wouldn't have $50 copies to sell to people who don't have copies 
because everyone and his dog is selling them for $50. 

Alright, maybe that's a wee bit of an exaggeration. It still seems too common 
to be so expensive. I can only assume there are people actually *paying* 
those prices.
