
META: readalong list rules

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Mon Jun 10 20:46:35 PDT 2002

Here's the current draft of the readalong list rules.  Please point
out any serious omissions and oversights quickly!  Note that Chris
Turkel is listed as in charge of the list.  I haven't seen any other
suggestions, and he volunteered, and I see no problem with him, so
right now that's what's likely to happen.  So if you have a strong
objection to that that you want me to take into account, you need to
let me know (email is okay if you don't want to be mean in public).

	    Welcome To The Dragaera Readalong Mailing List
			   V0.1 10-Jun-2002

This list is a spinoff of the Dragaera list, <dragaera at dragaera.info>.
It's for people who want to do group reads of Steven's books and
discuss them as they go along. 

Day-to-day operation is handled by the list guru. All decisions of the
guru are final until he changes his mind.  The current [10-Jun-2002]
guru is Chris Turkel <zizban at adelphia.net>.

"On topic" material for this list includes picking the next book for
the group read; discussing the book during and after the read;
moderate amounts of "community" discussion; and such digressions as
are more trouble to suppress than to ignore.

Spoilers for the book in question will certainly come up during the
discussion.  If you don't want to see spoilers, you should avoid this

This discussion must be conducted reasonably civilly. In particular,
personal attacks are forbidden. Do NOT tell somebody that they're a
poo-poo head; you may, if you wish, tell them that their claim to have
found Devera on page 184 of _Dragon_ doesn't stand up to examination. 

When replying to a message on the list, relevant portions of the
previous message should be quoted.  The *entire* message should
generally not be quoted, unless you're responding to each bit of it.
New material should be placed *below* the old material it's responding
to, not above.  In other words, normal Usenet quoting conventions
should be observed. 

Line lengths should be limited to less than 80 characters (70 is a
better number, to allow for some buildup of quoting).

Do not send file attachments to the list. Especially, do not send
binary files to the list. Do not send HTML to the list. Send plain
text messages to the list. All those other things will be stripped off
by the software running the list. (Technicalities: MIME
multipart/alternative is fine, so long as there is a text/plain part;
that part will be passed through and the rest stripped.) (AOL users:
that's what current AOL software does by default [as of 15-Apr-2002]
so you shouldn't have trouble posting).

The views expressed in messages on this list may be the views of the
people who sent the messages; they are *not* the official views of
anybody else.  Note that this applies even to Steven and those of us
running the list -- unless specifically stated otherwise, we're
posting our personal opinions, not Official Truth.

The information about the subscribers that we have (from the email
headers; name and email address) will be posted to the list monthly,
so people know with whom they are talking.

The posts to this list are archived and are publicly available via
email and on the web.

Only list members may post to this list (this is primarily a
spam-prevention measure). 

To subscribe, send email to &lt;readalong-subscribe at dragaera.info&gt;,
and respond to the confirmation message you will receive. (The
confirmation message makes it much harder for somebody to subscribe
you to this list as a "joke".)

To unsubscribe, send email to
&lt;readalong-unsubscribe at dragaera.info&gt; from the address you want
unsubscribed, and respond to the confirmation message you will receive

To send your message to all the subscribers on the list, send it to
&lt;readalong at dragaera.info&gt;.  You must be a subscriber to the list
yourself to do this.  To communicate just with the list guru, email
your message to &lt;dragaera-owner at dragaera.info&gt;.

To get help on the various commands the list management software
supports, send email to &lt;readalong-help at dragaera.info&gt;.
(Technicalities: this list is run using ezmlm+idx).

The home page for this list is http://dragaera.info/readalong-list/.

This mailing list, and the eventual related web site, is a project of
Corwin Brust, David Dyer-Bennet, and Felix Strates, with the support
of Steven Brust.  
David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b at dd-b.net  /  New TMDA anti-spam in test
 John Dyer-Bennet 1915-2002 Memorial Site http://john.dyer-bennet.net
        Book log: http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/Ouroboros/booknotes/
          New Dragaera mailing list, see http://dragaera.info