The rasfwr-j FAQ was praised by Matthew Hunter > Additionally, do not use a title that is, itself, a spoiler. > For instance, if it turns out that Tam al'Thor killed > Asmodean, then a subject of: > > WH: Tam killed Asmodean!! (Spoilers) > > Doesn't really help us. Amen. > It is also the opinion of this FAQ writer that anyone > who braves a post marked "Spoilers!" in the header > gets exactly what he or she deserves, whether through > a broken newsreader failing to implement a page > break, or through a post with insufficient whitespace > for his screen settings. Hell no. It is very easy to lose track of the Subject, and hence easy to overlook a spoiler warning in the Subject line. In practice, generous (but not excessive) spoiler space is needed. - tky P.S. I think the gnus mail reader lets you choose whether or not to consolidate multiple blank lines into just one blank line and whether or not to hide quoted text. Those are cool options, and wisely, by default, both are off.