
How did you discover ... ?

pddb at demesne.com pddb at demesne.com
Thu Jun 13 16:01:33 PDT 2002

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 06:43:19PM -0400, Thomas Yan wrote:
> I'm curious.  How did you discover Steve's books, and how did you
> learn of this mailing list?
> I learned of this mailing list from DDB's announcement on RASF*.

I learned of it because DD-B lives in my basement.

Well, our basement.  I just couldn't resist that formulation.


> So then I made up for lost time: all the pre-Issola Vlad books, _The
> Sun, the Moon, and the Stars_, _Issola_, the Khaavren romances,
> _Brokedown Palace_, _Agyar_, _Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grille_, and
> all 5 Liavek books.

Lucky person.  I had to read them one by one by one as they were
finished.  Only in retrospect could I wallow, and in rereading, which
is a lot of fun but not the same as discovery.

I knew Steve before he had written any books, but I must admit it
was certainly great fun once he started.

> Hm, I know I reread TRiH somewhere in there; looks like I forgot to
> record it in my minimalist booklog.  Damn!

I hate it when that happens.

(Hello, Thomas!  I just recently played that tape of THE LADY'S NOT
FOR BURNING you found me for a friend.  Thank you again.)


Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet           (pddb at demesne.com)
"I will open my heart to a blank page
   and interview the witnesses."  John M. Ford, "Shared World"