In a message dated Thu, 13 Jun 2002 6:42:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, tyan at (Thomas Yan) writes: > I'm curious. How did you discover Steve's books, and how > did you learn of this mailing list? I used to hang out on rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan, where I eventually heard of Brust (and Pratchett), and then I started hanging out on rec.arts.sf.written to discuss them (where I discovered tons of other authors). I learned of this list from DDB's post to rasfw (I wouldn't have noticed Brust's mention on his website since I always go straight to the weblog). Interestingly enough, about an hour or so before Thomas wrote his post, I posted about this list to the Brust Yahoo group, in the hopes of alerting Damien and Mark (and anyone else there interested). --KG