In a message dated Thu, 13 Jun 2002 6:42:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, tyan at (Thomas Yan) writes: > I'm curious. How did you discover Steve's books, and how > did you learn of this mailing list? I discovered Steve's novels long enough ago that I don't really remember how. I was all of 23 at the time, and I assume I picked up a copy of Jhereg from the local Waldenbooks in Nacogdoches, TX, cesspit of the universe. To know that much I had to check the copyright date in that copy of Jhereg; it was the second printing, in 1983. At that point, I didn't yet know about the ARPAnet (which is what it _was_ then) and Usenet was just getting off the ground itself. I discovered both about a year later. I liked Jhereg, bought Yendi when it came out and the rest is history. I was a starving student in those days, but now I can actually afford to buy the first-run hardbacks! :-) I found out about this mailing list from the reference on Steve's site, kind of by accident. Not that I needed any more email (I probably receive between 200 and 300 messages a day, at least), but at least it's mostly interesting. -- Frank Mayhar frank at Exit Consulting