
[Poll] What haven't you read?

Rachael Lininger rachael at daedala.net
Sat Jun 15 09:17:30 PDT 2002

On Jun 15, Dennis Higbee said:

>The only Steven Brust book I haven't read is _The Sun, the Moon, and the
>Stars_, as it is the only one I never bought in mmpb or hc or borrowed
>from a library.  Due to my intense dislike of large-size paperbacks.  
>(Look!  All the discomfort of a hardcover with none of the durability!
>And the flimsiness of a paperback with none of the convenience!   
>Rapture!)  I will undoubtedly break down at some point and buy it.

Contact dreamhavenbooks.com; they had the hardcovers still as of a 
month ago. With the Thomas Canty art. If they don't, Uncle Hugo's is a 
good bet. For some reason, lots of Steve's books can be found used in 


Rachael             From the Dilbert Newsletter:
   Lininger              "You should talk to her. 
     rachael@                   She is a minefield of information."