
Now here's an idea for this group.....

Rick Castello rick at 404.978.org
Mon Jun 17 17:42:42 PDT 2002

Jeff Harrison said:
> Due to some concerns re: e-mail volume, etc...we *could* consider using
> Yahoo Groups.  They are free, and you can either choose to get emails,
> or just sign into the club when you wish, and catch up on the
> messages...there is even a chat section, specific to each group.  Also,
> there wouldn't be any list maintenance for our administrator, and files
> could be shared....what do you think?  Any interest?
> Jeff


     I'm new here, but I'd strongly advise against it.  I'm a member
     of a few Yahoo Groups, and if the material weren't so compelling
     (Cloudmakers mostly), I wouldn't bother.

     The web interface is drowned in ads, not just on each message
     page, but also pages devoted entirely to ads sandwiched between
     every 7th message or so.  Even if you only use the email version,
     you've still got ads on every message, and Yahoo "privacy" policies
     to deal with.

     Good list manager software, with a relatively loose configuration,
     can pretty much manage itself.  Do the lists need more options than
     self-subscription, self-unsubscription, auto query options, and
     monthly mailing of member list?
