
Siblings [Dragaeran Gender Equality??]

Richard Suitor rsuitor at cjwrfs.net
Sun Jun 23 13:48:27 PDT 2002

On 23 Jun 2002 14:23:42 -0400, Thomas Yan <tyan at twcny.rr.com>

>Tangent: What siblings have we seen, period?  Savn has a sister in
>_Athyra_, but no other examples, Easterner or Dragaeran, leaps
>immediately to my mind.

There have to be siblings in general to have a stable population.
If the expected number of children per adult is less than or equal
to two, the population is declining (especially with the incidence
of unrevivable deaths that we've seen).  We haven't been
introduced to folks with no parents yet.  Unknown, certainly, but
not thought to be non-existent.  

Of course, maybe it is declining.  The timescale is generations,
and there have been recent disasters.  Or maybe some folks have no
parents and aren't aware of that fact.
