
Siblings [Dragaeran Gender Equality??]

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Sun Jun 23 19:16:27 PDT 2002

Richard Suitor <rsuitor at cjwrfs.net> writes:

> On 23 Jun 2002 14:23:42 -0400, Thomas Yan <tyan at twcny.rr.com>
> wrote:
> >Tangent: What siblings have we seen, period?  Savn has a sister in
> >_Athyra_, but no other examples, Easterner or Dragaeran, leaps
> >immediately to my mind.
> There have to be siblings in general to have a stable population.
> If the expected number of children per adult is less than or equal
> to two, the population is declining (especially with the incidence
> of unrevivable deaths that we've seen).  We haven't been
> introduced to folks with no parents yet.  Unknown, certainly, but
> not thought to be non-existent.  
> Of course, maybe it is declining.  The timescale is generations,
> and there have been recent disasters.  Or maybe some folks have no
> parents and aren't aware of that fact.

If dragaerans are fertile a proportional amount of their lifespan, the
first child could well be away from home before the second came along
often.  They'd *be* siblings, but not having grown up together,
probably wouldn't have many of the trappings of siblinghood that we're
used to.
David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b at dd-b.net  /  New TMDA anti-spam in test
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