
the next vlad book?

Thu Jul 18 11:19:21 PDT 2002

Thomas Yan wrote:
> "Ian sympatico" <ijamie at sympatico.ca> writes:
> >
> > If anyone has not read Zelazny yet I don't know why they are on this list!

> ?  Surely there are at least a few people here who haven't read any
> Zelazny.  Right?

A year ago, I would have been one of them. I only learned of Zelazny from
Steve's mentioning him on several occasions (interviews, intro to To Reign in
Hell, etc.). I bought the Great Book of Amber omnibus last August, but I
haven't read anything else. I enjoyed the Amber series, but I don't know what
else I should pick up.

> Also, I like both Steve's and Zelazny's books, but in general, they
> don't feel that similar to me.  I suspect I'm in the minority; anyone
> else in there with me?

Something about Zelazny's tone and the style remind me of Steve's tone and
style. That should probably be the other way around, except I read Steve's
stuff before I read Zelazny. Alas, I have not really read enough Zelazny to do
a good comparison.

Jose Marquez
jhereg69 at earthlink.net