
CUrrent Theory: NEcromancer

Thu Jul 18 18:20:20 PDT 2002

My current theory revolves around the idea that the necromancer is in 
actuallity the BAroness Kathana e'MArish'Chala. Firstly this is currently 
only derived from jhereg and TPG though i am looking for more info. In 
jhereg Vlad tells us the necromancer is a painter and painted the picture of 
the dieing drgaon hanging in morrolans castle, also he explain that Katana 
E'M'archala painted the cieling of Castle Black. I am guessing form the 
extra apostrophe in the last name he ment the baroness but got her first 
name a little wrong. And we all know the baroness painted a picture of a 
dieing dragon that belonged to Lord Rollandar e'Drien, if memory serves 
e'Drien is the line fo which Morrolan is a member, and the name is quite 
close. so i propose that the necromancer is indeed the baroness, and that 
vlad only recognizes the paintings as being by different people because of 
his lack of knowledge. Perhaps he only knows the painters through what he 
has over heard, or been told, in which cas eperhaps few people (only sethra) 
know who the necromancer truly is.
Well, there it is. Enjoy. Any info to help or hurt this theory would be 
greatly appreciated
THomas J

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