
Comfort shelf

Thu Jul 18 20:49:17 PDT 2002

"A. Nonymous" wrote:
> I'll admit, it does really help to pick the Belgariad up at a relatively
> young age and get attached to the characters then.
> I think I was nine or ten when I first read them and Silk is still one of my
> heroes.

I forgot to list Eddings as part of my comfort shelf. Reading one of his
books is like getting together with an old friend. Sure, some things
have changed, but the core is still the same, and thus is the dilemma;
his stuff will always be familiar (and, to me, comforting), but the
other edge of that sword is that his stuff will be repetitive in theme
and in plot.

Jose Marquez
jhereg69 at earthlink.net