
Vlad Interview Questions -- Final Version

Fri Jul 19 00:38:05 PDT 2002

On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 04:08:19AM -0700, Steven Brust <skzb at dreamcafe.com> wrote:
> At 10:11 PM 7/17/2002 -0500, Matthew Hunter wrote:
> >Steve, would you prefer to take them as they come, or should I
> >compile a list and get people to vote on questions to include or
> >the like?
> My preference would be to take them as they come, but Vlad doesn't have the 
> patience for it.  If I can convince the asshole to answer them at all, it 
> had better be all in one shot.

Well, over the course of a full day, I only got two more
proposed questions, so with no further ado...


The Official Press Questionaire for Vlad Taltos, (ex-)Baronet of
the Jhereg, Imperial Count of Some Nameless Area he's never
visited, etc:

0) Is this thing on?   Testing, testing, 1 2 3...

1) You go through life-threatening adventures on a regular basis,             
while the tales of your exploits are presented to others as witty             
entertainment, even a measure of comedy.  Does this bother you?               
Do you have anything to say, directly, to those people who are                
following your adventures as an evening's passtime?  Are you                  
comfortable existing as a role-model for a generation of foreign              

2) What *really* happened to your finger?                                     

3) No, no, the TRUTH about your finger?                                       

4) How do you feel about being a fa-... oh, no, that would be                 

5) Are you aware that your "publisher" (or perhaps publicist?)                
is working with another individual, one "Paarfi", whose tales are             
in direct competition with yours?  (If so, is Paarfi perhaps                  
slated for elimination? ;))                                                   

6) In some of your tales, you have mentioned suspicions that                  
your memory had been altered at some point.  You have so far                  
failed to follow up on these allegations.  Did it slip your                   

7) There are a few scenes (before you met Cawti) which could be               
read to imply a certain amount of romantic tension between                    
yourself and Kiera.  Any comment?                                             

8) Following your realization concerning Kiera and Sethra, have               
you given any further thought to the events early in your life                
which brought you into contact with Sethra, Morrolan, et al?                  

8a) And having come to said realization, how did that make you
feel about the certain amount of romantic tension? (Just how dead
and How UNdead, is she???)

9) Some of your fans have speculated that Kragar is Mario.                    
Does this speculation... concern you in any way?                              

10) There have been accusations that you are an unreliable                    
narrator, and occasionally shade the truth in your favor.                     
Any comment?                                                                  

11) This next question is for the reptiles.  Is Vlad really as                
smart as he thinks he is?

12) Mr. Taltos: Have you ever wondered if memories of your                    
past incarnation affect how some of your acquaintences                        
deal with you?  If so, why haven't you gone to see                            
Sethra about that past life?                                                  

13) Have you visited any of the lands you rule during your
recent travels?  Do you plan to?  Would you know if you had?

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)