
Comfort and Guilt Books

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Sun Jul 21 13:22:07 PDT 2002

Things I feel a bit guilty about...

I just spent $43 on Amazon for comics, but I HAD to do that
to get free shipping on the Duane omnibus ;)

I own all nine Wheel of Time books, the latest three were
purchased new... in hardcover.

I've read all four of Asprin's Phule books, and own all ten
Myth books and will buy _Something M.Y.T.H. Inc._ if its
ever published.

I've read Lackey's Vlademar books through the Owl trilogy.

I've read Pern through Dolphins.

I've read Feist up to the first Krondor book.

I've read Salvatore's Forgotten Realms books through Spine.

But the most money I've ever wasted was on Magic: the 
Gathering.  I don't know exactly how much, but I'm pretty 
sure its four digits.

For comfort I've got Pratchett, Brust, Tolkien, <Girl Genius>, <Bone>, Douglas Adams, Bill Watterson, Scott Adams,
Larry Gonick, Gary Larson, Diane Duane, and Barry Hughart.
