
Comfort and Guilt Books

Sun Jul 21 18:10:02 PDT 2002

On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 04:22:07PM -0400, Gaertk at aol.com wrote:
> I've read Feist up to the first Krondor book.

I read Feist's Riftwar Saga in my early teens, and have yet to re-read it...
was it really that bad? Also, the Krondor books and the other two (Prince of
the Blood and The King's Buccaneer, I think) that come between Riftwar and
Serpentwar sagas range from being blase to downright bad. The PC game
Betrayel at Krondor, otoh... wow, that was a great RPG.

> But the most money I've ever wasted was on Magic: the 
> Gathering.  I don't know exactly how much, but I'm pretty 
> sure its four digits.

You are not alone. I'm pretty sure the leftmost digit for me is a 1, but
