

Raellew at aol.com Raellew at aol.com
Thu Jul 25 20:10:19 PDT 2002

In a message dated 7/25/02, T J writes:

>I have been thinking about that, and i have recently come to 
>my own conclusion that the necromancer is The painting 
>baroness from TPG. In jhereg Vlad tells us the necromancer 
>is a painter and that she painted the picture of the dieing 
>dragon hanging in morrolan's castle, also he explains that 
>Katana E'M'archala painted the ceiling of Castle Black. I am 
>guessing from the extra apostrophe in the last name that it 
>is a shortening of her full last name, like G'aerth.

The line is e'Marish'Chala. The line's originator was, in full,
Marishori Cvorunn Chalionara. (TPG, 125-126)

>And we all know the baroness painted a picture of a dieing 
>dragon that belonged to Lord Rollandar e'Drien, if memory 
>serves e'Drien is the line fo which Morrolan is a member, so 
>he could have inherited it some way.

I'm trying to wait for the readalong list, so I haven't read FYA 
recently, but I think Kathana's painting was in the palace at 
the time of Adron's Disaster, which would make it gone, gone, 

>so i propose that the necromancer is indeed the baroness and 
>perhaps few people (only sethra since she and the baroness 
>were apparently friends in TPG) know who the necromancer 
>truly is.

Did I ever tell anyone about the theory I had after FYA, that 
Tazendra would become Sethra the Younger? I gave it up after
a while, but still wish I'd been able to make it work.
