>5. Vlad cannot be located because of the phoenix stones he wears and 'Lady >Teldra' will protect him from magic directly. What would protect Vlad from >indirect magic, i.e. a levitating stone dropped on his head? I'm going to guess that advance warning from Loiosh is going to handle that one. I'm also wondering if Lady Teldra doesn't have some sort of extra protection she can use on behalf of Vlad in a similar way that Blackwand attacked the Jenoine when Morrolan was dead. >7. Can 'Lady Teldra' be separated into its constituent parts, i.e. >'Spellbreaker' and a Morganti dagger, and what happpens to Lady Teldra's >soul if this happens? I'm guessing that it can be destroyed again, however it was in the first place since I'm going with the theory that this isn't the first time that Godslayer has been fully assembled. And if it is destroyed I don't know, if there's enough of a soul left, it would probably go to the plane of waiting souls to wait to be reincarnated and if not, then it would just be lost without any kind of divine intervention. >Ian Craig