
weapons, games, and more

Wed Aug 7 16:24:50 PDT 2002

> I'd really HATE to start seeing questions like: "In your last book Vlad 
> had
> thrown two knives, had cast a 'energy blast' spell, and pulled a sword
> before his enemies reacted. Even assuming that Vlad had the maximum
> initiative role, the casting of the EB spell should take a full turn
> execute - how is it possible that he was able to execute what should 
> have
> been 2 turns worth of action in one?"
> I mean really, that would suck.  (Heh, sorry Chris, I know you weren't
> asking for that much detail.)
> -Scott

Ya that would suck. I was speaking in generalities; I don't want to know 
the specifics. From I what read what Steven writes here, he is the kind 
of writer that doesn't define everything about his world before writing. 
Some do (Lawrence Watt Evans). I personally like that; it leaves room 
for the imagination on both ends.
Chris Turkel,Guru, Dragaera Readalong List
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