
OT: bois (was: Sethra Lavode vs. Enchantress of Dzur Mountain)

Wed Aug 14 20:18:08 PDT 2002

At 07:13 PM 8/14/2002 -0700, Nytemuse wrote:

>I think the business community is winning on that one...

I think you're right.

>  but who
>cares.  Language is subjective, like all things.

Oh, how splendid!  An argument!

<rubs hands together with glee>

"Language is subjective, like all things."  Well, in the first place, we're 
simply going to have to disagree about all things being subjective.  In 
fact, I believe that there is an objective reality, and that we will never 
understand it fully does not relieve us of the responsibility to try.

But let us pass on to language.  Can it simply be dismissed as 
"subjective?"  I'm not sure.  My inclination is to say no.  Language has at 
least two important uses--first, it is how we think, second, it is how we 
communicate our thoughts.

Let us consider the second.  The easiest two examples to illustrate my 
point would be mathematics and music.  Let us consider mathematics.  It is 
obviously a language--that is, a coherent system of symbols.  Is there any 
objective truth to the proposition that 2+3=5?  Well, sure, at least 
insofar as if I pile up two books, add another three to the pile, I will 
have five books in the pile.  Now, two individuals can agree that, amongst 
themselves, they will use the symbol "4" to represent three.  Among the two 
of them, that would work, so I guess in that sense language could be 
considered subjective.  But if they want to communicate with the rest of 
the world, they really ought to agree about what symbols mean what.

Obviously, if I write down some sheet music that an F# occurs here for four 
bars, and one of the musicians decides that, for his purposes, "F#" means 
the chord that rest of us call "C" and that "four bars" means "six bars" 
the music will not come out the way I had intended it.

It seems to me that language, while often subjective, has an objective 
element insofar as it is shared.

As for English, well, consider that you and I pretty much agree, at least 
in general, on what "subjective" means, and that, if we didn't, we'd be 
unable to have this delightful discussion.  While it is clear that not all 
words in English have exact, precise meanings in which all nuances are 
completely understood and agreed upon by everyone, there are two things I 
1) The more any given group agrees on the meaning of a word, the better 
they are able to exchange ideas.
2) The more we have words available that make clear, nice distinctions, the 
more precisely, elegantly, and, ultimately, creatively we are able to think.

Okay, we're off.

*Now* we're having fun.  <grin>