
OT: bois (was: Sethra Lavode vs. Enchantress of Dzur Mountain)

Wed Aug 14 22:40:03 PDT 2002

At 12:20 AM 8/15/2002 -0500, Kat wrote:

>Language is one of the ways in which we think. Another that comes to mind is
>spatial - I make chainmaille and work leather for a living; I spend quite a
>bit of my time thinking spatially rather than lingually, and am rather aware
>of the process of translation from spatial to lingual thought that occurs in
>my mind when I'm talking about maille to another mailler.

I'm not certain what it means to think spatially.  I know that when I am 
involved in any sort of craft I tend to think in terms of that craft.  That 
is, a carpenter does not think, "measure, mark, measure again, select nail, 
align, drive nail."  Rather, he is thinking in the symbols associated with 
that skill.  When I drum, I don't think, "Hit the bass, hit the snare, keep 
the ride going..." I am thinking in drum terms, which don't directly 
translate into language.  Yet, the more I learn, the more skill I develop 
in mentally working with those symbols.  As I "speak the language" better, 
I drum better.