> I'm going to have to disagree with Steven, Language is NOT how we think, > it's how we communicate. We think at the subconcious level in the > Pictures, Sounds and Feelings at least that's how memory is organised. > We may CHOOSE at the concious level to verbalise our thoughts, it's good > if we are trying to follow a logic chain. But thinking in pictures is > much faster as in a picture's worth a thousand words. Hmmm... Yes and no. It's hard to say exactly what one "Thinks" in, as we're all different. I know, however, that when you want to describe (in your head), say, the taste of an apple you just bit into, you wouldn't think in feelings, pictures, or sounds, you'd think in words. In this case: juicy, yummy, ew-yuck, etc. I'll agree that memory may be "organized" by sight, sound and feeling, and we can even access those memories and see those. But once having accessed a piece of memory, the only way to describe it, to ourselves or to others, is through language. Which is all to say that I believe we think in both language and feelings. Actualy, I believe we think because of slight electrical impulses running around in our brains, and scientists haven't even discovered exactly why this makes us "think". Silly scientists, go feed Cthulhu!! :) Chris "Life is the nightmare that leaves its mark upon you in order to prove that it is, in fact, real." -Thomas Ligotti- 'The Sect of the Idiot'