
OT: bois (was: Sethra Lavode vs. Enchantress of Dzur Mountain)

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Thu Aug 15 13:09:02 PDT 2002

On 15 Aug 2002, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

#I'm a counterexample.  To me "non-verbal thought" is an oxymoron.
#Writing badly is to me a clear sign of thinking unclearly.  And so

Does not compute. Writing is not the same as thinking. Writing requires
words; it is by definition verbal. So the fact that a person writes
badly does not prove that thought is verbal unless you assume that
thought can be transmitted directly through writing, without a stage of
transforming thought into words: i.e., that thought is verbal, the very
point you are claiming to prove. -- Or do I misunderstand you?

-- Mark A. Mandel