On Thu, 15 Aug 2002 Gaertk at aol.com wrote: > > K, while we're on this, does anyone practice > > "tetrapyloctomy" or have "triskadekaphobia"? > > Not sure, but I know this list has at least one practicing > heptadekaphiliac :) *blinkblink* What, praytell, makes 17 better than 13? I know I'm a triskadekaphiliac... But that's due to screwing with superstition *giggle* Not sure what the significance of loving 17 is... ****** NyteMuse "Call her life unnatural, feel her undead breath. Color her black for sorcery, color her gray for death." AIM: NyteMuse139 / ICQ: #21966269 (NyteMuse) MSN: NyteMuse / Yahoo!ID: NyteMuse http://www.crowfire.com