
OT: bois (was: Sethra Lavode vs. Enchantress of Dzur Mountain)

Steve Simmons scs at di.org
Fri Aug 16 13:41:47 PDT 2002

Mia McDavid writes:

> Tempel Grandin is a well-known high-functioning autist with a strong
> skill for thinking visually--she says it is like a film running in her
> head.

Temple Grandin is written up in one chapter of Oliver Sacks' excellent
book `An Anthropologist on Mars' (Grandins own description of how she
deals with humans).  Her autobiography, `Thinking In Pictures', lacks
some of Sacks' insight but is fascinating in its own right.

> . . . I am *incapable* of seeing a printed word without hearing it in
> my head . . .

Interesting.  I'm the opposite.  I've gone years being perfectly
comfortable reading and writing a given word only to be pulled up
short the first time I actually attempt to say it.

"Deconstruction is [when] a work is interpreted as a statement about itself,
using a literary version of the same cheap trick that Kurt Godel used to try
to frighten mathematicians back in the thirties."  -- Chip Morningstar
    in <http://www.dourish.com/goodies/decon.html>