>And so it goes. Now 'gay' meaning, "happy, carefree" is ruined >forever. 'Special' has gotten all smarmy around the edges. One of my favorite examples of this is "fagged". A word that I would never even have thought to use. Where did I see it? One of the early _Martian Chronicles_ fron Edgar Rice Burroughs. (A definite guilty pleasure) >Do y'all realize that 'woman' is a dirty word? Try it. "See that woman >over there?" "Ask the nice woman where they keep the shampoo in this >store." "I need a woman to help me here." Just try using 'woman' in >every context where the equivalent usage would be 'man' for a week and >see if you can stick with it. I had a fried a few years ago who was an avowed feminist, and she told me the story of how she went on a kick where every occurrence of "man" could equally be "woman". She gave it up when she realized that she didn't really want them referred to as "womanholes". -Jot