
OT: Subjectivity vs. Objectivity (was: bois...)

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Thu Aug 22 16:10:50 PDT 2002

"Penney, Sean" <seanp at ea.com> wrote:
> Thanks Randi (or John?).  I've only been on the list a short while, but that
> does seem to be the case.  It's a really good group, though I think we may
> tend to get a bit prickly on the details at times, and so sometimes forget
> the main point.  But I suppose that's also why it's fun.

Oh!  And don't forget:

This list has the actual AUTHOR on it, who actualy
takes part in the discussions!!  That's way cool...

(Unless it's someone who's impersonating Steve... Hmmm...
Has anyone checked him?  He may be one of the Pod-People!!!)

Going goofy today,

"So farewell hope, and with hope, farewell fear,
 Farewell remorse!  All good to me is lost;
 Evil, be thou my Good"
	- John Milton - 'Paradise Lost'