

Sat Aug 24 13:05:49 PDT 2002

> >
> > But, but, you just roll that die 20 to hit and then shake up a handfull
> > six siders, don't you?
> Sorry...
> I'm old school-
> I just gather up 18+ d6 as an archmage and roll for effect.
> Mind you, I'll bounce the lightning bolt off the back wall so it hits you
> twice
> *You* roll the d20 to save for half-damage.
> Twice.
> Unless I throw a Wall of Force in front of you, and then cast the LB in
> front of it, thus making you save three times as it rebounds again off of
> it...
> Good Luck.
> David
> Started playing AD&D in 1979.

But first I gotta save vs rule-mongering, and failing that, we argue
bitterly until the pizza comes.