

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Sat Aug 24 18:31:04 PDT 2002

"Sunny Han" <spiderman92 at attbi.com> writes:

> > David
> > Started playing AD&D in 1979.

> I was *born* after you started to play... Anyway, D&D sucks if you don't
> have a good DM, and it takes too long.

And this differs from other role-playing games exactly how?  :-)

I've never played D&D; in fact the only published role-playing system
I've ever worked in was GURPS-based (John M. Ford ran a magical 17th
century campaign that eventually morphed into a space pirates type
thing).  And even he tried to avoid the mechanics intruding deeply. 

I like figuring out what one should try, and having the DM do the
odds, without my having to worry about it.
David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b at dd-b.net  /  New TMDA anti-spam in test
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