

Sat Aug 24 12:25:19 PDT 2002

On Sat, 24 Aug 2002, Sunny Han wrote:
> Are there such things as practicing witches? I've heard all of the arguments
> from scientists about how it's physically impossibile to make things happen
> based strictly on desire. Are there any arguments fro it? I've read a book
> "A Plague of Sorcerers" by a Mrs. Zambreno, Mary Frances, and I think that
> defines my look on witchcraft...

Yes, there is such a thing.  I am one *g*  And so's my primary, sort
of.  I'm Wiccan, he's not, but we both practice magic.  

Yeah, a lot of the things the media says witches do is BS and most likely
can't happen, but there are some things that are true.  
I think the best explanation is how my primary goes into it.  He doesn't
believe in deities or external forces, except as vehicles to help one
focus.  He believes in magic as a force for internal change.  Like when
one does a spell to, say, get a job; he doesn't believe it causes anything
to happen to the hiring manager, but it kind of instructs all parts of
one's self to do the right things in obtaining a job.  Or love spells.  

I even say the same about telepathy, etc.  Telepathy and empathy are very
much based on observational skills and data-extraction, for me.  I've
never gotten a clear message in my head from someone, but I have on
occasion known what they were going to say, based on what I knew of
them.  And I've been able to intuit emotions that might have been hidden,
based on body language and other things.  

I am, by no means, saying that there is nothing mystical or magickal out
there, just that this is where my beliefs and practices stand now.  

I do agree that I have a hard time seeing people making things happen to
outside forces by desire alone, but there are subtleties that haven't been
really grasped yet, especially about how a slight modification to a
person's behavior and/or attitude can cause another person's decision or
what-have-you to change.  But I do agree that we can't MAKE someone else
do something we want, just like that, without doing something to

I have a rather large library of fairly good books on the subject, so if
anyone wants recommendations, not a problem.


"Call her life unnatural, feel her undead breath.
Color her black for sorcery, color her gray for death."
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