Anyone who's seen my website knows it's fairly eclectic. Basically, whatever I like goes on it, including fave authors. I've been working on my new Steven Brust section for a few weeks now and I'm getting close to halfway done. The one section that still has nada is something I started doing with my first author section: personal and/or user-submitted editorials. So, I'm sending a call out there...if anyone has thoughts on something or someone in any of Brust's novels, and would like to see them displayed on a web site that gets a fair number of hits (it's been around for several years), contact me. I'm not picky; I'll take anything, provided it's not just random flaming or ranting (which I'd HOPE no one here would be doing...) And I do give proper credit. Send all eMails here in an embedded text-only files (no attachments, please). I reserve editorial privilege, but unless something is really off, I rarely use it, and always discuss with the original author before making changes. No min/max length. Oh, and if you're writing on something that is or could have spoilers for any books, be sure to note that first thing in the editorial. ****** NyteMuse "Call her life unnatural, feel her undead breath. Color her black for sorcery, color her gray for death." AIM: NyteMuse139 / ICQ: #21966269 (NyteMuse) MSN: NyteMuse / Yahoo!ID: NyteMuse