> The remaining two Jenoine face ten gods and four great powers. They kill > Morrolan, overwhelm the Necromancer, and hold everyone else at bay. The > battle seems to be going the Jenoines way until the unexpected power of > Lady Teldra/Godslayer kills one of them. Even then, the element of > surprise is probably as much a factor as the power of Lady Teldra. The power of a Jenoine is greater than a god. or at least the gods involved in defending the world from the Jenoine, but the outcome of that battle is debatable. Either the Jenoine lost by not completing their objective with the Lesser Sea of Chaos, or they were finished with their objective in getting Godslayer to manifest. Where is Vlad headed? Who's side will he end on? Who actually did choose to reincarnate his soul in the body of an Easterner.. one of the Lords of Judgement, or their enemies? I think some of these thoughts may account for Verra's reactions to Vlad's new level of power at the end of Issola. -Greg Schwartz