On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, David Silberstein wrote: [snip many references & textevs from "The Phoenix Guards"] > >All in all, I'd say the preponderance of evidence is in >favor of Pepperfield being the small area to the west of >Lake Fenarr on the BP map, or possibly *under* Lake Fenarr >during Miklos' times. > And I just caught the following from looking at the end of "Phoenix": [Vlad, speaking to Noish-Pa, regarding the County of Lake Szurke] pg 242: "And it is just west of Pepperfields, which is in the mountains west of Fenario, so you will be close to our homelands." If Vlad and Paarfi are in agreement, I think the matter is pretty close to settled as it can ever be. I note on the map in BP that there is another lake west of Lake Fenarr; I think that that is Lake Szurke, and the Pepperfields are what lie between them. Some other stuff I note from the end of "Phoenix": Lake Szurke is in the Duchy of Eastmanswatch, as you might expect. It is Morrolan who states that he will take care of Noish-Pa. Is Morrolan still Duke of Eastmanswatch, or is he only running things for Aliera? Either way, Morrolan seems to be the one taking an active reponsibility for the area. Oh, and "szurke" (or rather, "szürke") has several meanings, but I suspect the meaning in this case is "gray". http://consulting.medios.fi/dictionary/?language=hu&search=szurke&allow=true