
Desperately Seeking Discussion

chris cunningham chrislee at neo.rr.com
Fri Sep 20 10:39:32 PDT 2002

> What, no discussion?  *sigh*  I'm temping today till 4 and have nothing to
> do...scared to surf 'Net b/c the parent company monitors all sites
> employees visit.  I hate that...
> Anyway, lessee...topics, topics...
> I don't know if any of y'all watch much TV, but there was an episode of
> "The Simpsons" where the kids got trapped in the TV and everytime someone
> switched channels, the got thrown into another show.  Are there any
> characters from any novels you thought would be amusing in another book,
> short story, TV show, etc by a different author?  How would they react?

hmm, you just brought something to mind, not quite totally unrelated:
has anyone here seen _man in the iron mask_ from 1998?
aramis (jeremy irons) speaks my favorite line of the film, which i can't
tell as it would spoil a wonderful bit of yendiness.
gerard depardieu is great as porthos, gabriel byrne does an admirable job as
d'artagnan, leonardo decaprio is great (i know, i know, but in this he's
great) as both the spoiled phoenix emperor, i mean, louis xiv, and his twin
brother, but john malkovich, ah, that was what i was getting to...
now i cannot read a bit of aerich's dialogue without hearing malkovich's
voice, and i can see him everytime aerich shrugs or does whatever aerich
does when he's not shrugging.

don't necessarily want to get into the whole casting call thang, but does
anyone else have a certain actor that they imagine as a brust character?