
Book of Athyra

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Sep 20 12:54:52 PDT 2002


Look at places like Bibliofind.com (ack!  I just
looked and they've joined with Amazon!  Is nothing

or:  abelibrary.com / abebooks.com

Did a quick search for Athyra on the latter and
found nine matches! :)

These and just calling around are how I found
Phoenix, Athyra, and a couple of other out-of-
print Brust books (including the "Choose-your-own-
adventure" one...:)

And wherever possible, shop at an independent!! <grin>


~Sebastian wrote:
> Dunno if this is really news, but it was for me. So now
> I'm peeved that I have to wait till next year, but re-
> lieved that I don't have to hunt down a book which is
> out of print ^^;
> ~Sebastian