
Book of Athyra

Sebastian Schwenk s.schwenk at wtal.de
Fri Sep 20 17:45:23 PDT 2002

Chris Olson - SunPS <Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM> wrote:
[snip: used book stores]

> These and just calling around are how I found
> Phoenix, Athyra, and a couple of other out-of-
> print Brust books (including the "Choose-your-own-
> adventure" one...:)
> And wherever possible, shop at an independent!! <grin>

Heh... thanks for the suggestions. There's just 
two little problems with that, though you couldn't 
really know... ^^;


First: I live in Europe, Germany to be precise.
abebooks would be the only used book seller I 
know that I could use, because there's abebooks.de.
With all other stores I'd have real trouble with 
the payment. No credit card, you see? ^^;
Getting a credit card would cost me money I don't
want to spend. And foreign checks cost as much 
as two paperbacks - new ones, that is - if they 
are accepted at all. And after all that, shipping
costs would still kill me. Not to mention the
8+ weeks of waiting till the stuff arrives.

Second: Did you notice the prices at abebooks?!?
$20 up to $75 for a MMPB! A little bit more than
I am prepared to spend... better wait for the 
$14-for-two-books deal ^^;


So you see, finding english *out-of-print* books
over here is one of the most complicated and 
*expensive* pastimes I could imagine, if you
don't get extremely lucky ;)

For everything else there's amazon.de: a reasonable
exchange rate, no costs for payment and no costs for 
shipping at all. So no probs with any new books :P

nonetheless always open to suggestions ;)