On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 Gaertk at aol.com wrote: >In a message dated Sun, 29 Sep 2002 2:08:27 PM Eastern >Standard Time, David Silberstein <davids at kithrup.com> writes: > >[Khaavren == Warlord?] > >> After re-reading ORCA, I can't believe this is possible. >> Several times, both Vlad and Kiera refer to Khaavren, the >> Warlord & the Empress in one sentence. [snippage] >Hrm, that does challenge my theory. I could claim Vlad >doesn't realise that Khaavren is the Warlord, but that's >stretching his ignorance a bit. And also Kiera's/Sethra's ignorance, way past the breaking point. >> If it was just one time, it might have been a typo, or >> reference to a dual role, but there's other examples as >> well where it only makes sense if they're both referring to >> 3 different people. >Did you happen to note page numbers? I'd like a better feel >for the context. Pg 119: Kiera is going over the various organizations in her head, and refers to Division 6 [1] (under the Warlord) and Special Tasks (reports to Khaavren). I realize this could refer to dual roles, but it's a point against your thesis that she doesn't think of Khaavren as being the same as the Warlord. Pg 193: Kiera to Savn: "But that's no reason to kill Loftis -- it would be much easier, and probably cheaper, just to let someone, say the Warlord, or Lord Khaavren, or even Her Majesty, know what was going on." Pg 258: Vlad to Timmer: "The Empress hears about this, and the Warlord, and probably Khaavren [...]" Pg 259: Vlad to Timmer, quoted in my previous post. "I'm pretty sure the Warlord or the Empress or both were involved in sending your group in, because if it was just Khaavren, Shortisle would probably have had him killed." Pg 260: Vlad to Timmer: "[...] and still coming up with enough evidence to convince, among others, the Empress, the Warlord, and your own chief [Khaavren] [...]" >> I think the only thing we can get from ORCA is that the >> Warlord is male, since, while trying to work out who Loftis >> works for, Kiera can only eliminate Indus based on the >> masculine circumlocutions. > >We can also eliminate Morollan, Aliera, and both Sethra's >from comments in _Yendi_. Doesn't leave much. > Morrolan is the Court Wizard (per "Issola", after the Sethra the Younger debacle), at least. [1] Is "Division 6" supposed to be a joking reference to "MI6"? It sure sounds like they are Military Intelligence.