
Titles, and the Warlord

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Mon Sep 30 17:40:17 PDT 2002

In a message dated Sun, 29 Sep 2002 10:43:29 PM Eastern 
Standard Time, David Silberstein <davids at kithrup.com> writes:

> On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 Gaertk at aol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated Sun, 29 Sep 2002 2:08:27 PM Eastern
>> Standard Time, David Silberstein <davids at kithrup.com> 
>> writes:
>> [Khaavren == Warlord?]
>>> After re-reading ORCA, I can't believe this is possible.
>>> Several times, both Vlad and Kiera refer to Khaavren, the
>>> Warlord & the Empress in one sentence.
> [snippage]
>>> If it was just one time, it might have been a typo, or
>>> reference to a dual role, but there's other examples as
>>> well where it only makes sense if they're both referring
>>> to 3 different people.
>> Did you happen to note page numbers?  I'd like a better 
>> feel for the context.

Sigh, I really liked my theory.  Oh well, here's a last, 
futile attempt to defend Khaavren as Warlord:

> Pg 119:  Kiera is going over the various organizations in 
> her head, and refers to Division 6 [1] (under the Warlord) 
> and Special Tasks (reports to Khaavren).  I realize this 
> could refer to dual roles, but it's a point against your 
> thesis that she doesn't think of Khaavren as being the same 
> as the Warlord.

Both groups are explicitly part of the military.  Division 6
is publically acknowledged, and presumably officially 
responsible to whoever is currently Warlord.  Now what if
Special Tasks is a secret, almost private group created by
Khaavren and expected (by Kiera at least) to disband at his
death?  So Kiera is subtely distinguishing between a public
group answering to a public official and a secret group 
answering to the person currently holding that office.

The other evidence (including p. 193) is all from Vlad, who
(according to the Author) is an idiot.  Sorry, but that's the
best argument I can think of right now.
