
Questions about genealogy & stuff

Wed Oct 16 03:59:47 PDT 2002

>>David Silberstein wrote, because he felt like it:

>[huge snippage]

Boy, was it ever.

>>Ayup.  Rollondar sez at one point in FHYA that "[my] eldest son 
>>the Heir's chainman".
>I found a couple corrborating quotes (or something like it): pg 
>(Khaavren goes to meet Adron the first time around).  Adron sez: 
>"To-day my cousin is Warlord, and his younger son is my chainman
>[...]", and a little further on, Khaavren sez: " [...] Lord 
>-- your cousin [...]"
>I am curious to know if you misremembered the above, or whether
>Rollondar really does say "eldest" in contradiction to Adron 

...  I won't know until I get to my copy, or beat its current 
location out of my brother's hide, but I swear that I remember 
Rollondar saying that his eldest son is Adron's chainman...

...  And if Rollondar is Adron's cousin and his wife was Adron's 
sister, and ...  by jeepers, this is worse than the Wars of the 
Roses or trying to figure out Muscovite treasury forms.

>(Also, on pg 137, it says that Molric e'Drien is Adron's nephew &

AND cousin once removed, then!  Dragons are like hobbits, 

>>>I did find the line that says that Molric "would never meet his
>>>brother", but it is not said that his brother was definitely 
>>...  True.  I was about to say that "Well, gosh, Morrolan 
>>looked him up while they were in the Paths of the Dead," but then 
>>remembered that poor Molric has gone the way of the 
>I am not sure that chaos destroys the soul.  

Well, since it's chaos, it probably mucks it up something horrible, 
unless that soul happens to be someone who may or may not have been 
mentioned in a book that may or may not be titled _Issola_.

(I don't have enough patience to write out spoiler warnings.)

>And we have evidence that
>at least one soul remains intact within the Lesser Sea even to the
>current point in time, so perhaps all of the other souls escaped 
>well, and maybe Molric has already reincarnated.

...  If Kragar is Molric-again, Molric having seemed to be such a 
nice unassuming modest little Dragonling, I will squee from joy 
several times over.  But he probably won't be.  

BUT IF HE IS, I will squee.

>>>Something else I've been wondering is whether Dragons name their 
>>>kids according to the father's name or by the dominant lineage 
>>>(although it may be that the father's lineage is always the
>>>dominant one, I dunno).
>>Doesn't square with Khaavren's assertion that daughters take 
>>mothers and that sons take after their fathers, does it?  So, 
>>are sons named for their father's line, and then daughters are 
>>named for their mothe -- NO, BECAUSE OF ALIERA E'KIERON. 
>Ah, but Aliera is very unusual in more than one way.  So perhaps
>she's different in her lineage & naming & whatnot as well.  But 
>refuses to give clue one in that direction.

<approvingly>  Yay Steve!

Well, yesh, Aliera's a thorny sort of tricksomeness.  Perhaps we 
should just declare her "UNIQUELY NAMED AND BLOCKED" and set her 
aside in her own widdle COOL CATEGORY, and that would be great, 
because I am becoming strangely fond of my mother-daughter, father-
son naming theory.

up far past her bedtime