
Questions about genealogy & stuff

Wed Oct 16 09:50:28 PDT 2002

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, David Silberstein wrote:
> >Doesn't square with Khaavren's assertion that daughters take after 
> >mothers and that sons take after their fathers, does it?  So, then, 
> >are sons named for their father's line, and then daughters are 
> >named for their mothe -- NO, BECAUSE OF ALIERA E'KIERON. 
> Ah, but Aliera is very unusual in more than one way.  So perhaps
> she's different in her lineage & naming & whatnot as well.  But Steve
> refuses to give clue one in that direction.

Well, my take on this was always the uniqueness of Aliera's mother.  I
mean, who would believe it if she called herself Aliera e'Verra?  *shrug*
I also wonder if the child or parents maybe chose the last name to pass
on, depending on mother/father achivements, nobleness of line,
possibilities of inheritance, etc.


"Call her life unnatural, feel her undead breath.
Color her black for sorcery, color her gray for death."
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