
Questions about genealogy & stuff

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Wed Oct 16 11:29:07 PDT 2002

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, A Knight in White Satin wrote:

>David Silberstein wrote:

>>>Doesn't square with Khaavren's assertion that daughters take after
>>>mothers and that sons take after their fathers, does it?  So, then,
>>>are sons named for their father's line, and then daughters are
>>>named for their mothe -- NO, BECAUSE OF ALIERA E'KIERON. 

>> Ah, but Aliera is very unusual in more than one way.  So perhaps
>> she's different in her lineage & naming & whatnot as well.  But
>> Steve refuses to give clue one in that direction. 

>I can readily see Aliera breaking convention on naming, if she was
>entitled to take "e'Kieron" but "convention" said otherwise.

I'm not sure I take your meaning.  Aliera, daughter of Adron e'Kieron,
is entitled to be called "e'Kieron" (we know that the e'Kieron lineage
is dominant in her because she can work with amorphia in the raw
state) (plus she has Adron's arrogance, but I wouldn't say that to
her face).

On her mother's side, she's the daughter of a goddess.  I don't
think convention covers that situation.  :-)

I wondered at one point in rasfw how that might have been accepted by
the Dragon Council, and came up with the following scenario:


DS>And while I'm on the topic, I found myself wondering how
DS>Aliera was accepted as a legitimate heir to Adron.  Wouldn't
DS>the question of where the mother is come up?  But then again,
DS>I could just see Verra herself showing up before the Dragon
DS>Council, just *daring* them to try and rule Aliera illegitimate.
DS>Council: "Uh... this council finds Aliera e'Kieron, fathered
DS>by Adron e'Kieron and borne by, uh, Verra the Demon Goddess,
DS>with e'Kieron dominant, to be a full member of the House of
DS>the Dragon and heir to Lord Adron."
DS>Verra: "Damn straight."
DS>Infant Aliera: *smirk*

I see that I was also speculating that perhaps Verra was not actually
Aliera's genetic mother and that the Necromancer was the egg donor.