
Casting _Jhereg_

Dalvenjah FoxFire dalvenjah at DAL.NET
Fri Oct 25 10:14:23 PDT 2002

>>>>> "Chrisf.Olson" == Chris Olson <- SunPS <Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM>> writes:

    Chrisf.Olson> This is frightening.  I mean, REALLY frightening.  I
    Chrisf.Olson> loved Hudson Hawk, and even 5th Element.  But I
    Chrisf.Olson> could see either of those two as Vlad-types before
    Chrisf.Olson> the "Yippie-Ki-Yay" type.  Not as much comedic
    Chrisf.Olson> timing in those...

Well true. (I haven't seen Hudson Hawk yet.) But that line is my
quintessential Bruce Willis line; sort of like Ahnold's "I'll be back."
(Though Pablo Francisco's version of Ahnold*: "They're coming to take
my tortillas!!" competes well with it.)


* Listen the last track of Pablo's album "Knee to the Groin" for details

 Dalvenjah FoxFire (aka Sven Nielsen) "He was the kind of guy who wouldn't
                                       crack a smile if Strom Thurmond showed
                                       up on his driveway doing the Macarena."
                                        - Time Mag, on Millenium's Frank Black
 e-mail: dalvenjah at dal.net